
Based in Akan, Kushiro, Hokkaido

Hokkaido is the northern island of Japan. I’m based in Akan, surrounded by vast nature, that is located in the eastern part of Hokkaido. It causes people to have different lifestyle and culture from other regions.

Learn the language, Interact with locals and Go sightseeing all in one.

There should be some attractions that come to your mind easily when thinking about Japan such as a big city like Tokyo, a historical town like Kyoto. In case of Hokkaido, there is nothing like a big city but you can more easily feel like you are part of the local community. Also, It’s easy to commune with nature and observing wildlife is one of the best experiences to have here. For these reasons, it would be a great place to concentrate on your learning. Nothing distracts you. Come here to learn the language, interact with locals, and go sightseeing whenever you like.